I’m Thankful

Woke up this morning around 2am and it was raining, really hard.
Woke up at 4am and it was still raining, again at 6am and when I have finally crawled out of bed at 8am.
It is really ugly outside but cozy, dry, and warm inside. And for as much as I want to move from this house and it is a pain in my toosh I am thankful for this home. It keeps me warm and secure, it has withstood much, a place to invite friends over for a bite to eat, and provides a place for us to allow people who are going through hardships to find a place to stay.
I need to appreciate it more.
When it rains like this I like to stay inside make soup, make homemade bread, and keep under a warm blanket.
I think I will work on some of my projects today. Knit, crochet, sew, quilt there are so many I have it will be hard to know what to do.
But one thing I will do is to be thankful I have a roof over my head, food in my belly, and a little bit of yarn to play with.
So wonderful to find the good in all.
Warm wishes,